Our dog has been diagnosed with cancer, one lump is very visible to the side of her tail and they have detected another internally. She started eating again with the offer of oily fish but now as much as she tries she can't poo, we don't want to lose her is there anything we can do

Updated On November 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female

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Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM


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It could be that she is just constipated from the change in food or the lump could be blocking her colon making it difficult to pass stool. Have her rechecked by your vet to determine the cause of her problem. Your vet may be able to prescribe some medications to help her pass stool. She might also need some pain medications to help keep her comfortable. If the lumps can not be surgically removed then they will continue to grow and may cause additional problems. You could also take her to a veterinary oncologist to see if they have any recommendations for treatment. So Sorry that she has cancer.

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