My seven month old German Shepherd has been really itchy lately and I have now noticed his skin flaking like this, is this just dry skin or something worse that needs checked out. I recently started him on fish oil to hopefully relieve his dry skin. Thank you for your help, Robert Moody

Updated On November 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 6 months and 28 days old | 65 lbs

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Answered By Maria DVM


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It looks like Sam may have a bit of a skin infection. The itchiness may be from allergies, mites or some type of irritation. I would recommend bringing Sam to a veterinarian to have them fully evaluate his skin. He may need an antibiotic, shampoo and antihistamines to help. I hope Sam feels better soon and thank you for using PetCoach!

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