My cat has a scratch right above his eye, not sure from what. What's the best way to clean it?

Updated On November 12th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 2 years old | 16 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor Bond. It’s hard to say for sure based on the photo, but the scratch appears to be fairly superficial. If it is, then just flushing it with sterile eye irrigating solution from your local pharmacy should be enough to keep it from getting infected so that it can heal well. If it any point it looks like it is getting infected (yellow or green discharge) or isn’t healing well (within 4-7 days), then it’s best to get your vet to take a look at the wound for further treatment. No topical ointment should be placed this close to the eye, unless it is a prescription eye ointment from your vet. Hopefully things heal up well! As long as you continue to flush it daily it should heal well. Best wishes and take care.

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    Answered By Ricardo Fernandez, DVM

    Veterinarian, Veterinary Oncology Resident

    Thanks for using PetCoach! It is hard to see in that picture but the best way to clean it will depend on how deep and involved the scratch is. If it does not appear to have broken the skin and it is not open then you could just use a cloth soaked in a bit of water. If there is an open wound per se, I recommended that you have him evaluated by your veterinarian for further assessment and treatment as he may require further local therapy. Good luck and have a great Sunday! He is a cutie by the way!

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