My tortoise ‘Tank’ is being very lethargic and not eating. He usually walks around a lot and eats often. Not the case now. His eyes are swollen and seem to be white around the outide. He has been refusing to eat for the past week. I have and have had many other turtles and reptiles w no issues. I took him to a Specialty vet and was given ophthalmic solution for eye drops and have been giving for past couple days. Would really appreciate any opinions on here before I can get him back in!
Updated On November 13th, 2017
Pet's info:
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Continue to treat as indicated by your veterinarian. Offer a varied diet rich in Vitamin A. Broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, dandelion greens and collard greens are just a few foods rich in this vitamin. Confirm proper temperature. A cold tortoise will not eat. Soak him in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte for 30 minutes. This will warm him up and may treat or prevent mild dehydration.
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