My older Amazon parrot keeps falling off his perch and experiences some kind of seizure or foot drop for about 10 min. Just started about a month ago. Has happened twice in the last 2 days. He is at least in his 40's or older. He has graying feathers, and what appears to be a cataract or previous eye injury. I rescued him about 5 years ago. Our vet only works M-Th 8-4 and does not treat birds or reptiles.

Updated On November 14th, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Lauren Kennedy, DVM


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I would be concerned that something serious is going on with your bird. Weakness and seizure activity can be a sign of progressive liver disease. Ideally you should find an avian veterinarian in your area that can help diagnose what is going on with Tequila. The vet will most likely recommend lab work and possibly X-rays. I’m sorry we can’t be of more help. Thanks for using PetCoach. Best of luck.

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