We are starting to feed our puppy Royal Canin Puppy Maxi today. We always used tiny amounts of fish oil and calcium powder with previous ''raw diet'', can we still keep adding it to RC food? Because we don't want supplements to go to waste. And if yes, how often? We did it for every meal before.

Updated On November 21st, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | unspayed | 4 months and 2 days old | 37 lbs

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Answered By Laura Johnson VMD


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Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! I do not recommend adding a calcium supplement to puppy food it can affect bone growth significantly in a puppy. I recommend stopping that immediately unless directed by your Vet. As for the fish oil, that is fine but how often depends on the brand you are using. Most fish oils have instructions on the bottle and are once daily. If you want to post a picture of the fish oil with the label we can try to help. I like Omega Benefits by VRS: http://vrshealth.com/canine-products/omegadog/ I hope this helps and have a great day!

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