Hello, I have a western fence lizzard and i think i fed him too much. My live crickets got loose in my house and i hurriedly grabbed them and put them with my lizard they were 1/2 or smaller. I think there must have been around 10. My lizard is a new adult and he keeps holding his mouth open which is strange and he is pretty fat. Fatter than usual.. There is also an unusual dark area around his blue stripes. What should I do? Is he going to die? Is he sick? Thanks so much in advance!

Updated On November 30th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I think Ron Junior should be fine. Hopefully he is just full. If you are truly worried the only option I can give you is to take him to a reptile vet for an exam. One reason for open mouth breathing in reptiles is respiratory infection. It just may be coincidental that he started this breathing after eating so many crickets. The most common reason for illness in captive reptiles in improper husbandry. I suggest you make sure you have his housing, lighting, temperature, etc correct. Here is a husbandry article: https://www.cuteness.com/article/care-blue-belly-lizard Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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