My dog old owners didn't feed her well till she is 6 month but now she eats well with me but her hair is verrrry short and she is a long hair breed I tried vitamins but didn't work even In long time so I need help because she always feel so cold so fast and does shaving her hair in summer help to renew it (I read that but I am not sure if it's right or wrong ) ?????
Updated On December 12th, 2016
Pet's info: Dog | Golden Retriever | Female | unspayed | 11 months and 11 days old
Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA 76
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No, shaving a retriever will not help her coat development and will contribute to her problems. Underlying issues such as poor intestinal or pancreaticfunction, mites or nutritional deficiencies may still be playing a role. A skin support diet such as royal canin skin care would help as well ad a full physical exam by your vet to rule out medical causes
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Other Answers
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
No, shaving her hair will not help it to grow longer - in fact, it can take months or years for even a normal hair coat to grow out again after being shaved. It can take until age 2 or 3 for many long-haired breeds to develop their full adult hair coat, so I would suggest being patient and continuing to feed her well. You can also try a daily omega-3 fatty acid supplement like Welactin to help support hair growth.
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