I rescued this poor little leopard gecko. He is severely underweight and also blind in both eyes. They are completely scabbed over. I would like to give him a living home but I don't want to prolong any suffering either. Can I save him or should he be put to sleep

Updated On December 8th, 2017

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Have him examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp vet. Submit a stool sample to diagnose intestinal parasites. This will all give you a better idea of his health status. Barring any major illness or injury, he could be rehabbed and live a "normal" life. Set him up in an appropriate enclosure with correct parameters. Offer appropriately sized and gut loaded prey as well as some Fluker's Repti-Boost. Soak in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte daily for 20-30 minutes to maintain hydration. It may take time, but with a healthy diet, proper environment and some care, he could recover.

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