Hello, I'm from Bangladesh. i have a Persian cat. Now he is 10 months old. I'm giving him raw meat and fish on his daily diet. Some days ago he vomited a lot and don't eat his food. Then, I ask him who gave persian cat to me. He said, " You should give him human's worm distructive medicine. So, I give that to my cat. Now, he is kinda stable but he still vomit. He is also physically weak now. As well as, my persian cat also has flee on his body. So, please give me some advice what should I do?

Updated On December 9th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Male | unneutered | 10 months and 8 days old | 6.6 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor kitty. If he is only receiving meat in his diet he stands a good chance of suffering from Taurine deficiency, which can cause heart failure. He needs to be seen by your vet right away for testing and treatment depending on the underlying issue. Other possible causes for his vomiting and lethargy are underlying congenital kidney disorder, pancreatitis or simply salmonella poisoning from eating raw meat. I surely hope that your vet can narrow things down after running some tests and stabilize Cyrus’s conditon soon. Best of luck to you and take care.

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