My Auntie feeding Oliver fish guts and fish bones by calling my cat and throwing to the ground. Even I'm going to tell her about how dangerous it is, she won't believe me and she will yell at me. But since my Auntie is always in work, me and my sister have an idea. We planned that everytime my Auntie came home from work, we would put Oliver in a big cage inside home or lock him in the room for like 7 hours. Is that a good idea?

Updated On December 14th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 18 days old | 1lb

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Answered By Laura Johnson VMD


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Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! I think that is a good idea! Just make sure he has a litter box, water and kitten food. The fish likely won't make him sick but if you are seeing problems with it, maybe confining him in your room when your Auntie is home will solve the problem! I wish you all the best!

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