I have 3 Fancy Goldfish; Spot, Zedar and Monty. Monty has 2 white lumps on his head was swimming before but is lying inside the ship all the time. Spot is all white with black and orange spots it was spastic swimming but still eating. Then got swim bladder but still eating. Then started staying in the ship, now just lying on the tank floor. Spot was showing signs before Monty. Zedar seems to be fine but occasionally taking large gulps at the top of the tank and while in the water. What is this?

Updated On December 15th, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Check the water chemistry. Use a liquid home test kit or submit a sample of water for testing. Most pet or fish stores will do this for free or for a small fee. The concern is elevated ammonia or nitrites are causing the symptoms you are seeing. The resulting stress can lead to opportunistic or secondary infections. Goldfish produce a larger than average bio load (wastes) that can quickly lead to poor water quality. For this reason, it is recorded to provide 20 gallons of water for the first goldfish then 10 additional gallons per extra fish. Any filter used should be rated for at least twice the volume of the tank. For now, perform daily partial water changes to stabilize chemistry and maintain water quality. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, improve gill function, treat minor infection and aid in any recovery. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 10-14 days then reassess the condition. When performing water changes, add salt only to the amount of water being replaced, not the entire tank volume. An antibiotic, found in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store, can be used if necessary. Tetracycline, erythromycin or kanamycin can be used. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated. Consider a larger tank if you have a small one or separate the fish.

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