Hi, I'm putting water to his dry food water to make it mositure because that's he would only eats and he likes it. But in the second day, he ate less of dry food. Oliver is active and looks like very healthy. I feed him wet food twice every morning and left out his dry food to noon from night. His dry cat food is fish flavor. The brand I've been feeding to him is all fish flavors. Is that okay, is fish flavors makes my cat eat less of dry food or should I feed him a variety flavors per bag dry??

Updated On December 28th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 2 days old | 1lb

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Answered By Megan, DVM, CVA


I think fish flavored food is just fine. I would just offer him dry food with no water on it and leave this out all day for him to nibble on it. Then I would also offer him a small amount of canned food (a spoonful) once or twice a day. If he continues to refuse to eat, then I would have your vet look at him. Your vet will be able to do a fecal, bloodwork and even X-rays if needed. Your vet will be able to get him started on the proper meds to help him feel better and help increase his appetite. I hope this helps.

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