My fish all have ICH and we have only had them for about a week. Our tank is at 70º and it is a 10 gallon fishtank with a albino catfish, a koi fish, and one classic gold fish. The gold fish is the only one HEAVILY infected! What do we do?!?! P.S we do have one live plant in the tank as well.

Updated On January 2nd, 2018

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Dr. Massimo Orioles, DVM, Cert AVP, MRCVS


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Ich can only be killed in its free swimming stage. After it feeds off the fish, it drops into the substrate where it forms cysts and multiplies. Then the new ich parasites swim out of the gravel and find new fish hosts and start the cycle all over again. That is why it is important after all white spots have disappeared to continue treatment, you should continue treating for an additional 2 weeks after all symptoms are gone. After the spots disappear off the fish, I would vacuum the gravel to suck up any cysts. If you increase the temperature the life cycle of the ich becomes faster. All new fish should be placed in a quarantine tank for at least 2-3 weeks to make sure they are eating, free of disease, and are able to recuperate in a stress-free environment.

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