Hi. My cat sprain or strain his back leg after getting stuck from the rocking chair. He cried but he's fine now and resting to a quite bedroom. But when he walks, he can still feel the pain. Now,I compare his other foot from the injured foot to see if there's a different. I noticed that I cannot see his tarsus to his injured leg but I can feel it. What does it mean?
Updated On January 28th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 28 days old | 9 lbs
Answered By Mirissa Duncil, DVM 161
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Hi and thanks for using PetCoach. It sounds like there is severe swelling of the soft tissues along the injured leg. If the swelling is great-often times it is harder to feel the specific structures below the skin. It would be best to have an x ray of the limb to make sure there are no fractures inducing more swelling. Hope this helps
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