I bought my beta fish about two weeks ago from you guys. Lately, he has really only been surface breathing. He's lost a lot of color primarily in near the face, and his bottom "skinny" fin. He looks swollen right there too. His face is white, and it looks like he is missing scales by his eye. Near the back, he's got a weird brownish spot, and another one under his side fins. Not sure what is wrong with him.
Updated On January 28th, 2018
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Check the water quality and chemistry. In a small bowl without a filter, regular water changes will be necessary to maintain water quality. Poor water quality or imbalances in chemistry can predispose a fish to stress and illness. Ideally, water should have 0ppm ammonia and nitrites with a 40ppm or less nitrate level. The temperature for Bettas should range between 78F and 80F. When performing water changes, use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Bettas are air breathers, so it is common to see them surfacing for air.
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