Updated On February 3rd, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 10 years and 5 months old | 20 lbs
Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM 188
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Hi there and thank you for using PetCoach to address your concern. Tramadol is quite bitter, so it may be quite difficult to give your cat. Tramadol is safe for use in cats and a typical dose for a 20lb cat would be about 25mg, so 1/2 tablet. That is what is most commonly dosed for a 20lb cat. Before giving any medication to your cat that has not been prescribed to him, I would most certainly recommend contacting your veterinarian to discuss this prior to administering the Tramadol as I do not know the full medical history on Billy. There are some circumstances in which you should not give Tramadol so I would confirm with the primary veterinarian that normally sees Billy. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you further.
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