When my cat gets out of his bed I notice besides his shedding hair that there is these little rice sized yellowish things are what you call him. They're hard and you can print them with your nail. I checked his skin nothing there he plays eats sleeps does everything a 4 year old cat should do he is losing weight but I think that's because I just I have a 6 month old kitten that he runs running plays with now we're before he just laid around
Updated On February 8th, 2018
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Answered By Angela Walter, DVM 214
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Thank you for posting on PetCoach! From the photos you provided, it appears that your cat may have tapeworms. The little rice-like grains are the tapeworm segments that are passed in the stool. You have two options for treating tapeworms. You can either contact your veterinarian for a prescription dewormer to kill the parasites or you can purchase an over the counter product. If you opt to get an over the counter dewormer, be sure it is a product labeled for cats and follow the instructions carefully. Usually products containing the dewormer praziquantel are effective in killing tapeworms. Cats can get tapeworms from fleas or from ingesting rodents. I recommend treating the pets in the household for fleas and also the environment. It is also a good idea to deworm all of the pets in the household with a broad spectrum dewormer if any of the pets are hunters. You can also take a fecal sample in to your veterinarian for analysis to determine if any other parasites are present. If your cat is showing any signs of illness or continues to lose weight, I would recommend an exam with your veterinarian to rule out other causes of weight loss. Hope this helps!
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