Hi I had my dog at the vet today and she had very impacted anal glands. The vet expressed them and she stopped pacing like she was beforehand, though today she seems tired and lethargic. Is this normal after having anal Glands expressed? The vet said they were very impacted. Is it possible this would make her feel not greAt?

Updated On February 11th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Jack Russell Terrier | Female | spayed | 19 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


Thank you for contacting Pet Coach with your concerns about Millie! Typically expressing anal sacs does not result in tiredness and lethargy; that being said, hers were very impacted. It’s might have been a bit painful to have them expressed, and then you add on the excitement and stress of a vet visit. All of those combined could lead her to be tired and lethargic. I would keep an eye on her for now, and if she is still acting this way in another 48 hours, I would be concerned she may have an illness causing these symptoms. In that case, I would take her back into the vet for a health check. Hopefully, however, she will be back to normal soon. Good luck, I hope this helps!

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