My dog will not eat, she was walked and ate breakfast this morning fine I’ve come home from work she is refusing to eat anything, is whining, restless and has vomited a white/grey bile. I’m concerned as we have had confirmed Alabama rot in the area although she has no lesions and is washed down after every walk. Is it possible she has just eaten something like a slug that’s made her feel sick?
Updated On February 13th, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 3 months old | 13.4 lbs
Answered By Angela Walter, DVM 214
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Thank you for using PetCoach! I am sorry to hear that Bess is not feeling well. While there are many causes for vomiting, Bess is showing a few additional signs that are concerning, namely refusing to eat, vocalizing, and restlessness. Dietary indiscretion is a common cause for gastrointestinal upset, but there are a few more serious causes that I would also consider. Anytime a dog is restless and vocalizing after vomiting whitish fluid, I worry about bloat. Bloat is a condition in which the stomach distends and may twist upon itself. Even though bloat is less common in small dogs, bloat is considered a life threatening emergency, so whenever it is one of the possibilities, I recommend an examination with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Other possible causes of vomiting include foreign body ingestion, metabolic disturbances, endocrine diseases, toxin ingestion, and infections (bacterial, viral), just to name a few. Alabama rot usually presents with skin lesions and signs pertaining to kidney damage. While vomiting can be seen in dogs with kidney disease, I would recommend an examination with your veterinarian to determine the actual underlying cause of the vomiting and other signs so the most appropriate course of treatment can be taken.
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