Can this be acute pancreatitis and is an emergency visit needed? He is a 2 year-old male mixed breed dog (20 lbs) who had loose stool x1, 2 days ago, had vomiting x1, 1 day ago that was foamy pale yellow in appearance, and vommited x1 today that was clear bright yellow in appearance (photos attached). Today he ate plain cooked turkey with white rice sweet potato and carrots. Prior to today he ate dry dog food, unknown if he ate anything else/table scraps. No past medical/surgical history.

Updated On February 14th, 2018

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Answered By Laura Johnson VMD


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Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! Poor guy!

Pancreatitis can cause vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia and belly pain. It is a cause of vomiting and diarrhea but it isn't the only cause. Other causes are: intestinal parasites, viral or bacterial infections, toxin ingestion, IBD, food allergy/intolerance or reaction to eating something outside or a new treat/food/people food.

Since he has been low grade vomiting now for 2 days it is best to have him seen soon if it continues. It is encouraging that he is eating. I would be sure you fasted him for 12-24 hours then resume feeding with a very bland diet of boiled chicken or hamburger with rice. Make the meals very small. Only offer small amounts of water. If he is lethargic, won't eat and the vomiting continues even on a low grade scale he should be seen before the weekend.

I hope this helps and I wish you all the best!

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