Can completely dry minoxidil hurt cats? If the minoxidil has been dry for around 8 hours and it is rinsed off, can that dampness hurt cats?

Updated On February 21st, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 9 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Great question! As I'm sure you are aware, minoxidil is highly toxic to cats. From what I have found about the product, toxicity has occurred when cats have walked through the spilled product, licked it off their owners head, or when owners have applied it to the cat itself. As long as it is completely dried and has been rinsed off fully, Zelda should be fine. To be safe, do not allow her to lick your hair, and always apply the Minoxidil in a room that is not accessible to her. Clean up any spills promptly, and never put it on her. Good luck, I hope this helps and thank you for contacting Pet Coach!

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