What's a good DNA kit/program I can purchase that will give me a detailed description of the breed mix my dog is. I think she may be some sort of pitbull chihuahua mix, but I think it'll be ingesting to see exactly what her breed make up is.

Updated On December 24th, 2016

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Answered By Jacqueline Nobles, DVM, DACVECC

Veterinarian, Board-Certified Emergency/Critical Care Specialist

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The commercially available DNA tests I am familiar with are Wisdom Panel by Mars, DNA My Dog based out of Toronto, Paw Print Genetics out of Spokane and Embark out of Austin, Tx. Wisdom Panel® Canine DNA Tests determine the breed ancestry of a dog by determining the genotype of the dog, at hundreds of individual sites in its DNA. The results are then compared with the genotypes of the more than 12,000 breed samples in their database. Similarly, DNA My Dog tests for 85 of the most common breeds that make up approximately 97% of the common North American mixed breed population. Paw Print Genetics is designed to assist breeders and has the advantage of testing for several genetic diseases. The breed-specific panels offer a comprehensive service at a discounted rate, and you can choose genetic diseases you would like to test for. Embark tests for over 150 breeds including wolf, coyote, and village dog ancestry (feral dogs) - accounting for 98% of dogs in America. Additionally, Embark screens for over 160 canine genetic diseases including MDR1, degenerative myelopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, PRA blindness, exercise-induced collapse. It is certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), partnered with Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. All tests require taking two samples of cells from the dog’s inner cheek on swabs, which are then air-dried, sealed, and mailed off to the lab. The turn around time varies from 2-8 weeks. As far as the cost, DNA My Dog is the most economical at about $60, followed by Wisdom and Paw Print at about $80 and Embark at $200.

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