Hi! Is almond oil safe for cats? My bengal cat loves it, he got a few drops when I was applying it on my feet today. I was also wondering if it could help to put the almond oil on his nose because he has a "bengal nose". Vaseline with aloe vera has really made a difference on his nose but he hates it when I apply it to his nose. The almond oil would be a perfect solution, if it works, because he likes it so much. He is 6 months old now. Thank you.
Updated On February 27th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Bengal | Male | neutered | 6 months and 5 days old
Answered By Dr. Heidi DVM, CVA, CCRT, CVTP, CVSMT, CVCH 193
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner
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Askur is gorgeous! Thanks for including a picture. Sweet almond oil is safe for cats to ingest, but any oil can cause diarrhea if ingested in large amounts. My only concern with using Almond oil on his nose is if he really likes it and licks it all off right away then it may not work as well. I will often use Vitamin E (from capsules) for nose problems because it has less smell and animals won't lick it off as quickly. But I hope almond oil works for Askur! Good luck. I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using PetCoach. P.S. I see that you are in Iceland. I got married in Iceland 2 years ago. We LOVED the country and hope to return soon!
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