i found my fish dead in the aquarium with blood on its body, a swollen eye and something like rounded open wound. what have might caused that and how to prevent it from happening to the other fishes

Updated On January 8th, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Female

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Infection, old age, poor water quality or poor nutrition are all possible causes. The "wound" may have been post mortem, caused by being eaten by tankmates. Monitor tankmates for signs of illness or infection (red spots, fuzzy spots, swelling, lack of appetite/activity, etc.). Submit a water sample for quality testing or use a home kit to test for chemical imbalances. You may need to perform water changes, treat with chemicals or treat with antibiotics or antifungals depending on symptoms. You can request a consultation to discuss the situation in more detail.

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