Are the following supplements ok to give my cavalier King Charles spaniel? (17 lbs) Pumpkin - for anal gland expression Probiotics- for firmer stools and gut health Joint supplement- for healthy joints Fish oil- for healthy coat and skin Also, I don't think my dog drinks enough water. She might only drink 1 cup a day but I can't be sure. Is this enough? How do I get her to drink more water? (She has kibble as her diet, so she's not getting any from her diet)

Updated On January 8th, 2017

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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Yes, all of these things are generally safe for dogs and can be helpful for the specific issues that you mentioned. As long as she has fresh water available to her at all times, she will drink when she's thirsty - you shouldn't need to worry about making her drink more, as she will regulate this herself. There are no particular health benefits to dogs for drinking more water than they want to each day, so as long as she's healthy and acting normal otherwise, this shouldn't be a concern :)

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