My cat has started eating ash from the fireplace. Is that normal? Additionally, He is also very skiddish when we try to brush his teeth though we have been doing it for years. He had a dental in Nov and all was good. He is becoming more and more skiddish. Is there something wrong? Vet said all was normal but he isn't the same cat as he was a couple years ago. We haven't moved and nothing has changed (e.g. No new pets or kids). Help.

Updated On January 18th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 12 years and 11 months old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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No, this isn't normal behavior, and it can be a sign of deficiencies in the diet or anemia. I would check Mel's gums and if they are pale, then that is another sign of anemia. I would recommend having Mel examined by a vet tomorrow, and having a physical exam, blood tests, and a urinalysis done to see if he is anemic, and the tests can help identify what is causing the anemia. Once a cause is found, the vet can discuss treatment with you.

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