Levi seems to have dry itchy skin. I bathe him only as needed with Burts Bees puppy shampoo with a small amount of coconut oil mixed in and he eats Diamond puppy food. Should I get a omega 3 supplement or start adding some fish to his diet? And if so what do you recommend?

Updated On January 30th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 29 days old | 17 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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A fish oil supplement is always recommended in these cases. Essential fatty acids in the fish oil can promote healthy skin and coat. DermCaps or EicosaCaps are excellent products and easy to administer. You can buy either form your veterinarian or in most pet stores. Bathe no more frequently than every 6-8 weeks. You can use pet wipes or plain, unscented baby wipes to spot clean as needed between baths.

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