Updated On February 7th, 2017
Pet's info:
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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These freshwater turtles enjoy quiet (low current) water with sand or mud substrate. In the wild, they normally burrow into the sand or mud. Water and ambient temps should range between 70 F and 85 F. Provide a basking area of about 95 F. Low temps can affect appetite and activity. UVA/UVB lighting is also necessary for good health. These turtles are omnivorous, so you should try a bit of everything. Fish, fruits, vegetables, freeze dried foods should all be offered on a rotating basis. Being soft-shelled, they can are more predisposed to shell infections (bacterial or fungal). Poor water quality can compound the problem. If the environmental parameters are correct, an appropriate diet is being offered and the turtle still won't eat, then an exam with a veterinarian experienced in treating reptiles would be recommended to diagnose illness or injury.
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