Red eared slider has swollen eyes. This is been going on for over a week close to 2 I am using repti Turtle eye drops I'm not sure if I should use them once or twice a day. I would like to know why his eyes are swollen and what I should do about it

Updated On May 27th, 2018

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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For closed eyes, instill 1-2 drops per eye once daily for a week. For maintenance, it is 1-2 drops per per once weekly. Swollen eyes can be due to infection, trauma or vitamin deficiency (typically vitamin A). Maintain pristine water quality during treatment. Consider a temporary 5-10 degree F increase in temperature to aid in recovery. If the eyes do not improve, have Kiwi examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose and treat infection or injury.

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