My Indian Ringneck parrot named Tika had been suffering from a sore/wound that leads to infection for 3 months.I visited to many veterinary surgents & I applied many medicines but the infection had not recovered yet fully.1 month ago I went to a veterinary surgent and he gave me some vitamins and skin ointments.I am now applying it.Now see the picture and tell me that is my bird on the way of recovery or not?

Updated On May 29th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed | 0.24 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM


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I am sorry to hear about your bird! It is difficult to fully evaluate a wound from a photo. From the photo it looks like there could be some areas of black skin. If this is the case and the skin itself is black, we would be concerned this tissue has become devitalized and is dead, and needs to be surgically removed/debrided. If the black area is just scabbing over the wound, then I would continue with your current treatments, but I would have expected the wound to be healed after several months unless it was very deep within the tissues. Your vet may also need to do a culture of the wound if it is still not healing to see what bacteria is growing and if it requires a different antibiotic. Best of luck to you and Tika.

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