My betta fish is still recovering from a bacterial infection, bur now he's started to make his bubble nest. I know that this is normal, but day by day, his bubbles increase to cover the surface of the water. The rare of bubbles seems a little erratic, some daysbit reduces, and then others increases spontaneously. Should I be concerned that there is something else going on with him? His water is clear and his responses are normal. He is eating properly.
Updated On May 30th, 2018
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | unneutered
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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This is normal behavior and no cause for concern. A Bettas bubble nest is unique to each fish in size and pattern. The fact that he is building one is a testament to his recovery and improved health. A sick Betta will not build a bubble nest.
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