Hi, I have a 2 week old cockatiel and he seems fine. I'm just worried about one thing. His crop won't fully empty and theres always a little bump even after 11 hours of not feeding. The bump is not hard or doughy. It's soft when you touch it. Sometimes I can see muscle contractions. Best of wishes.
Updated On June 1st, 2018
Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | unneutered | 15 days old
Answered By Dr Stafford, BVetMed, MRCVS 156
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Odo is gorgeous!! I am not overly concerned about this as there is a bit of spare tissue to allow the crop to distend so I think all this is is the extra tissue lying when the crop is empty. As long as it is not getting impacted with fluid or food and Odo s in good form I wouldn't worry about it.
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