My wood turtle has not eaten or pooped in the week that I have had her and I am worried if she is not comfortable or may have something wrong with her

Updated On June 14th, 2018

Pet's info: Amphibian | Unknown - Amphibian | Female | 2 lbs

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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM


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One of the most common reasons for a reptile to have a decreased or absent appetite is because of husbandry. I would recommend starting there, and ensuring that the husbandry is as perfect as possible. Often times, even seemingly minor things can make a big difference for a reptile. For example, it looks like your turtle has a glass enclosure from the picture (I apologize if this is not the case), and often this can be stressful for them as they don't understand the concept of glass. It is recommended to keep them in opaque/non-see-through containers, such as turtle tables or large Rubbermaid containers for example. Alternatively, this may also be a problem that started before you acquired Hades. Reptiles can take a long time to get sick, and then when they show their signs of illness, it can seem to come on suddenly. Due to this, I would recommend taking Hades in for an examination with a veterinarian, as this is a good idea for any new pet, including turtles! At the visit, your veterinarian will go over the husbandry for Hades, and can make recommendations. Additionally, they may recommend radiographs (x-rays) to look at bone quality, as metabolic bone disease is very common in reptiles. They may also recommend blood work and/or a fecal sample as part of a wellness exam to look for any signs of infection, anemia (low red blood cells), to look at organ function, and to evaluate the feces for parasites. If you would like to try husbandry changes first, and want to talk about Hades further prior to your veterinary visit, I would be happy to do a consult with you. I hope this gives you a place to start!

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