If I have two male leopard gecko siblings that are being raised together and they turn out to be both male. Because they were raised together is it possible to keep them in the same enclosure? Or even if they are siblings will they still fight. Another thing is, Is it possible to keep a male and a female leopard gecko sibling together or will they mate?
Updated On June 24th, 2018
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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM 229
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Unfortunately, it is common for intact males of the same species to fight, so you may experience that as they get older. They can be very territorial, and it doesn't matter if they are siblings or not. As you mentioned, male and female geckos can (and often will) mate, no matter if they are siblings or not. If you have two females, this would be the most ideal housing situation for multiple animals. Females will often tolerate one another in the same area, however there are exceptions to the rule, and they can fight as well.
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