Pilu she is an Indian roofed turtle. Not taking food for last 3 days & there is no activity. She is sitting in a same position for day long. If I am keeping her in water then she will be there for the whole day and same thing will happen if I shall keep her on basking area. For last two months she is with me and was very active & curious. But now she is totally lethargic for a small movement too. There is no sign of any external diseases. Nose/eyes are ok. Here is no reptiles specialist.Plz help

Updated On July 2nd, 2018

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Answered By Rebecca, DVM


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Thank you for using PetCoach. From your pictures, it looks like Pilu could benefit from some upgrades to get living area. Water turtles do you need water, as well as a basking area, but he may need a dirt area to dig in. Be sure that her water is clean and may need partial changes daily but not complete water change. She needs full spectrum lighting 8 hours daily. If bulbs are not possible then she need a safe outdoor enclosure. Calcium and vitamin supplements with her food are necessary. Make sure there is a warmer basking area in her enclosure. Here is a good resource for turtle care and set up. http://www.anapsid.org/mainchelonians.html

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