My goldfish has a blood spot in between its eyes , what does that mean, is it a disease?

Updated On July 26th, 2018

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Female | 2 years and 4 months old | 1lb

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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It could be an infection (bacterial or fungal) or it could be due to trauma from other fish or tank furniture. Confirm proper water quality and chemistry. You can try some plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt or epsom salt) as a general tonic. It may reduce stress, improve gill function, treat minor infection and aid in recovery. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons of water in a cup or two of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 10-14 days then reassess the condition. Perform partial water changes to decrease salinity afterwards. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Goldfish are cold water fish and do best between 65 F and 72 F.

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