My 15 week old kitten keeps eating my 9 year old's Rx Hills Science C/D dry food - she prefers it over her kitten kibble. I'm having a hard time keeping her away from the adult cat bowl. She came to me eating Iams kitten kibble & I'm in the process of transitioning her to Hills Science Kitten dry food. Should I be concerned about her eating the Rx food?

Updated On August 2nd, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | unspayed | 3 months and 13 days old | 4 lbs

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Answered By Makenzie Kurth, DVM


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Thanks for using PetCoach. It should be no problem for Kaya to eat the C/D. In fact, in households with one cat who has urinary problems and another who does not, I often recommend feeding the c/d to everyone anyway since I don't want the urinary cat to eat anyone else's food. (That being said, if urinary cat will stay our of Kaya's food, a kitten food IS more ideal for Kaya for the next couple months at least.) Best wishes to you and your kitties!

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