Hi, my name is Kowshik I have a pet breed shitzu one year old every day we feed curd rice and one egg but, since few days it could't eat anything even Egg Also please give me some suggestions which nutrition food we should feed to my dog. We tried pedigree also suggest some foods in vegetarian ..

Updated On August 20th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | 1 year and 2 months old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Hi Kowshik! Bittu is so cute! If he isn't eating, I would actually be concerned that he is sick. I would recommend taking him into the vet for a health check. As for what to feed him, I personally do not recommend feeding dogs vegetarian diets. Dogs by nature are not vegetarians, they eat meat, and it's good for them. Being a vegetarian is a human construct, and I personally don't think it's fair to place that on a dog when by nature they eat meat. Brands of food I would recommend for him include Royal Canin, Hill's Science Diet, Purina ProPlan, and Iams. I hope this helps!

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