Why does my cat get worked up and bite the brush everytime I brush her? It's good to note that she would be purring at the same time aswell. Like she wont let me groom her in peace, she would bite the brush and then take it away from me.

Updated On September 3rd, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 10 months and 2 days old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Laura Johnson VMD


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Hi, thanks for using PetCoach! The biting of the brush can indicate that she is itchy, cats will lick or bite themselves when an itchy area is scratched or brushed. Some will salivate. Another possibility is that she is biting it because she is getting annoyed. Cats can still be purring but show annoyance by turning their ears, flicking their tail or lightly biting a brush or your hand/arm/fingers. I would stop brushing her when she starts biting the brush or only do it in short intervals so you do not irritate her too much. I wish you the best!

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