I’m getting my dog off a special bland diet slowly onto Royal Canin Giant Breed Puppy Food. Which I wanted to ask is it a good food and recommended for a Newfoundland Mix. I know he had stomach problems and stopped eating dry food no matter how many switches we did and even mixing it with wet food I’m scared when i transition he won’t eat again. What can I do to make sure during his transition that he likes the food. Also is his poop okay and normal cause I’ve been adding the food.

Updated On October 4th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 7 months and 6 days old | 115 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. As veterinarians, we always love to view poop pictures, & Bear's poop looks pretty good. Just go slow with the transition. Replace only about 25% of the old food with the new taking several days at each stage. If Bear picks out the new, you can take a glass jar & mix 75% old with 25% new food, cover tightly & place in the fridge for 12-24 hours. This will allow all smells & flavors to blend. Then gradually replace more of the new food while decreasing the old. It might take a week, it may take a month, but usually you can easily transition a dog to a new food this way. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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