How do I get my bearded dragon to eat? He is not eating at all and it's been 2 days.
Updated On October 18th, 2018
Pet's info: Reptile | Bearded Dragon | Male | unneutered
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Draggy. There can be multiple reasons for a bearded dragon to stop eating. The first thing to look into is the husbandry. Bearded dragons need to be kept at a very warm temperature, and if allows to cool, will decrease or stop there digestive tract and ability to digest. The cold temperature will also decrease the immune system and other physiological processes. The possibility of an intestinal infection or parasites are also possible. A veterinary visit will be needed to diagnose this. At home, attempting to syringe feed your bearded dragon with a vegetable baby food, can aid in providing nutrition and fluids. Providing a warm wear soak in a shallow pan, such as 2-3 cm of water will sometimes stimulate defecation and/or drinking. This has sometime resulted in eating after. If that doesn't work, please seek the aid of a veterinarian.
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