We have a new kitten in the household and my dog drools a lot when they see each other its still new so its limited supervised contact but the drooling does my dog want to eat/attack the cat? It's very strange behavior for him he not much of a hunting dog never got a kill in the yard but drools excessively when looking at the kitten
Updated On October 30th, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Male | unneutered | 4 years and 11 months old | 120 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Drooling can sometimes be a sign of overstimulation/excitement, and even stress or nervousness. It may not be that Bruce wants to hunt the kittens, but he is very excited/nervous being around it. Continuing to monitor them and only have them together under supervision is best, and if he starts to drool it's time for a time out so everyone (including Bruce) can have some time to relax and calm down. Making sure Bruce and kitten both have a place they can lay down, eat, drink, etc away from each other is also a good idea to help limit stress. Pheromone diffusers can also sometimes help (they make them for dogs), however if the behavior continues or he seems to be upset or anxious, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a trainer or behaviorist in person as well.
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