I have a wolf fish that seems to be sick. He is upside down in the tank now for 24 hrs. He is still breathing but seems to bee struggling. I have increased the temp in the tank and added aquarium salt. I have added a bacterial and fungal treatment today into the tank. I have used some moss to prop him up correctly in hopes this will help him. What would u suggest? Please help.
Updated On November 14th, 2018
Pet's info: Fish | Freshwater Fish
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Wolfy. Floating upside down is a serious concern, possibly involving the swim bladder or intestinal tract. Typically additives to the water are not absorbed systemically but the salt might help decrease osmotic imbalances in the body. A radiograph could help determine if fluid is filling the swim bladder, and then systemic antibiotics could be administered, probably vi injections. Good luck.
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