8 months ago, I bought a budgie that had french molt, but i didn't realise till i fiind out that she lost a lot of feathers in her belly. I kept her with two budgies, in a tall Cage, and she falls all the time. I have some questions: - can the two budgies be infected with the virus as well? -i want to put her in a separate cage, but what kind of cage has it to be, and what does it need inside of it? -how long is she going to live? How can i make her live longer and have good conditions?

Updated On November 30th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed | 7 months and 30 days old

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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM


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Thank you for your questions, and I am sorry to hear about your bird. Yes, the other two birds could have contracted the virus already, so there isn’t necessarily a need to separate them as they have already been exposed. For caging if your bird is falling - the most important part will be to keep everything low so she doesn’t injure herself. Otherwise it can be made of anything (many people will even use Tupperware containers) and can still have toys. Just keep the perches low and make good and water easy to reach. How long she will live varies - some birds still have a relatively long lifespan, while others succumb at a young age. You can help to support her by providing her with a clean environment, good ventilation, and a good diet. This will help to support her immune system as much as possible. I hope that helps, and thanks for using PetCoach.

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