When my cockatiel lays eggs, do I need to keep it in an incubator ? How do I need to feed the chicks once they hatch. Does the mommy cockatiel gees the babies herself or do I need to handfeed the babies. If the mommy cockatiel feeds chicks , can you explain the process . If I want to handfeed the babies so that it will bond with me , do I need to take it out of the cage at the time it hatches itself ?
Updated On December 14th, 2018
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Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about your cockatiel. If she has laid eggs in a nest, allowing her to incubate the eggs will most likely result in a favorable result. Incubation is around 16-21 days, after she starts sitting on the eggs. Handrearing new hatches is difficult and should be left to experienced bird handlers, as they easily aspiration, are subjected to chills or overheating. Allow the mother to care for them. If you want to incubate and rear yourself, you will need to purchase an incubator and brooder, suitable for cockatiels. The recommendation is to allow the hen to raise them. After fledging, you can start to handle the babies to allow acclimation to humans. Good luck.
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