How much exercise does my pet need to maintain a healthy weight?

Updated On December 19th, 2018

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Answered By Christie Long, DVM

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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For most dogs, a 20-to 30-minute walk twice a day is a sufficient amount of exercise. However, traditionally active breeds or high-energy dogs may require more exercise, including the chance to run off leash in a safe area for longer periods of time. In addition, your pet’s exercise needs will vary based on their age, size and overall health. Cats also need a plenty of exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight and can benefit from chasing a laser pointer or utilizing puzzle toys. Some cats can even be taught to play fetch. While exercise is one important aspect of maintaining a healthy body weight, proper diet and feeding practices are equally important. Pets should be offered portion-controlled meals of a high-quality, balanced diet while avoiding people foods or excessive quantities of treats.

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