Our 14 year old cat has these skin lesions for weeks and will not go away but appears otherwise healthy with no changes in sleep or eating patterns. He has been eating the same food for years. One is under his eye, one near his mouth and one on his elbow. They are not pussy and are small scabs. Any ideas? thanks
Updated On December 20th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Manx | Male | neutered
Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS 86
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This is probably caused by an allergic reaction. first of all make sure you de-flea Bam Bam regularly every month with a high quality spot on (ex. Advantage) as fleas are by far the most common reason for these reactions. If the fleas are not the problem, it could be an allergic reaction to food or an environmental factor. this is more complicated to treat and will sometimes require medications such as Steroids, anti histamines or cyclosporin in order to stop the allergy.
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