My fish eye fell off on 12-22-18 today I noticed that his eye socket is getting bigger the fish I have is a ram cichlid I asked a question yesterday and got a reply now I'm worried that the eye socket will take his head and good eye what can I do
Updated On December 25th, 2018
Pet's info: Fish | Cichlid | Male
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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This may be a severe infection. If you haven't already, move him to a separate hospital tank. Maintain pristine water quality via filtration and regular water changes. Use only conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Consider a broad spectrum antibiotic. Look for KanaPlex or Maracyn Plus in the aquarium section of the local Petco. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment. Unfortunately, given the severity of the condition and his appearance, it is possible you may lose him during treatment.
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