Is the spay incision open? My cat has been jumping on our beds and I'm worried she may have opened her incision. There's no blood or oozing so far. We think she may have licked it as well since the E-collar came off 2 times.

Updated On December 29th, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 7 months and 21 days old

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Answered By Rebecca, DVM


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Thank you for using PetCoach. From this picture it does not appear to be open, but there may be some swelling around the incision. You may need to keep Nikita and a crate or small room where she cannot run or jump on and off of furniture. Be sure to keep the E collar on. If there’s any gaping of the incision, discharge, redness or she is acting sick in anyway then I recommend taking her back to the veterinarian for a check up.

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